About the Paintings
(click on any painting for enlarged view)

Red Sea

Painted August 2010. 2x4ft

United States Department of Justice corresponds that Mesaros is now a recognized artist and confiscates seven paintings. The artist takes two weeks and paints in red for the first time.

Look What We’ve Done

Painted October 2010. 2x4ft

In the midst of confusion of myself good and evil met. And I guess there was no match. Only good will flow. Darkness leaves its reflection on the world.

Purchased. Guy Laliberte, owner of Cirque du Soleil

Home Sweet Home

Painted July 2010. 3x5ft

Pure of mind, body and soul. I am home again at last.

Eternal Ocean

Painted June 2010. 3x5ft

Earth’s life blood. Nighttime.

Purchased. Guy Laliberte, owner of Cirque du Soleil

Ocean Currents

Painted August 2010. 4x3ft

A changing of ways. A changing of lives – of lessons learned.

A Light For Your Nights

Painted September 2010. 30x40in

God never leaves us in darkness.

Pancture™ Paintings

Pancture™ paintings were created by Mesaros after forty one years of throwing his feelings onto canvas. This technique has been trademarked and is patent pending. The artist essentially sculpts with his medium. Mesaros’ sole tools are palette knives; in his hands they are the perfect instrument to portray his energy and allow him to spontaneously depict his feelings as they run through him. Once a painting is started, he won’t stop until it’s done. If he leaves a work his energy shifts, and he can’t afford that.  

At age thirteen, the artist sold his first pastel painting to a mason his mom and dad hired to fix the steps. This marked his first commission – thirty dollars. Now, nearly forty years later, Mesaros has decided to share his work, insight, and talent with the world. “God has given me another reason to live. I do not doubt this.”

His paintings are as mesmerizing as the sea itself. Composed of thousands of crescent-shaped wedges of paint, Mesaros’ canvases contemplate the eternal theme of sea and sky. Every stroke is measured and intentional, conspiring to create an extravagant image of impressive detail and allure echoing qualities of Picasso and Dali’s extravagant style. Mesaros’ work refutes the mundane and executes the extraordinary.

“I’m bored with what I see. Things don’t make sense. The future is uncertain and I don’t want to die with my song inside me.” 

Over forty years the artist has painted and expressed life’s experiences onto fourteen canvases. The presentation is called “Paintings from a Life”. These paintings are not for sale. The viewer is brought on a journey – a diary of all our lives is expressed.  The first of the series dating back to when he was sixteen years old.

Innocence lost – death – love – loss of God - denial - healing.

All of these are life – like it or not. And then to live again. And most of all to surrender to be happy. And be grateful. And learn. Most of all learn. Oh yeah, and love each other.

Reflections are what Mesaros’ paintings are about. Each glistening, dimensional stroke catches the ambient light that falls upon it, sending forth a sparkling highlight that is as real – and as evanescent  –  as the glint from an ocean wave. Reflections are also what the artist is about. Mesaros uses his paintings both to mirror, and to induce, a reflective state of mind.